
HyperSpy bundle

The easiest way of installing Atomap in Windows, MacOS and Linux is by installing the HyperSpy bundle: HyperSpy bundle. Currently, Atomap is not included in the bundle, but it will be included in the near future. For now, Atomap must be installed manually by first opening the Hyperspy-bundle Prompt then running:

$ conda install atomap -c conda-forge

If everything installed, continue to starting Atomap. If you got some kind of error, please report it as a New issue on the Atomap GitHub.

Anaconda Python distribution

First install the Anaconda python environment Anaconda environment. Then install Atomap via the Anaconda prompt (in Windows: Start menu - Anaconda3), this will open a command line prompt. In this prompt run:

$ conda install atomap -c conda-forge

If you also want to use the Atomap Jupyter Notebook tutorials, install Jupyter Lab and plotting library:

$ conda install jupyterlab ipympl -c conda-forge

If everything installed, continue to starting Atomap. If you got some kind of error, please report it as a New issue on the Atomap GitHub.

PyPI installation

Atomap can also be installed via the Python respository PyPI. This is not recommended for beginners, and requires that you already have a Python install.

$ pip install atomap

If you got some kind of error, please report it as a New issue on the Atomap GitHub.

Development version

Grab the development version using the version control system git (see Become a contributor):

$ git clone

Then install it using pip:

$ cd atomap
$ pip3 install -e .