.. _start_atomap: ============ Start Atomap ============ The first step is starting an interactive JupyterLab environment. This depends on the installation method: * If the HyperSpy bundle was installed, go to *HyperSpy-bundle* in the start-menu, click *Hyperspy-bundle prompt*. This will open a command line window, here run ``jupyter lab``. * If Anaconda was used, go to *Anaconda3* in the start menu, click *Anaconda prompt*. This will open a command line window, here run ``jupyter lab``. * If you're using MacOS or Linux, run ``jupyter lab`` in your Anaconda environment or HyperSpy-bundle environment. This will open a browser window (or a new browser tab). Click ``Python 3 (ipykernel)``, which will start and open an empty Jupyter Notebook. In the first cell, run the following commands (paste them, and press Shift + Enter). If you are unfamiliar with the Jupyter Notebook interface, `see the interactive JupyterLab guide `_. .. code-block:: python %matplotlib widget import atomap.api as am If this works, continue to the :ref:`tutorials`. If you get some kind of error, please report it as a New issue on the `Atomap GitLab `_. .. _tutorials: Tutorials --------- To get you started on using Atomap there are tutorials available. The first tutorial :ref:`finding_atom_lattices` aims at showing how atom positions are found, while :ref:`analysing_atom_lattices` shows how this information can be visualized. The `>>>` used in the tutorials and documentation means the comment should be typed inside some kind of Python prompt, and can be copy-pasted directly into the *Jupyter Notebooks*. Atomap demos ^^^^^^^^^^^^ In addition to the guides on this webpage, another good resource is the `Atomap demos `_, which are pre-filled Jupyter Notebooks showing various aspects of Atomap's functionality. For beginners, the `Introduction to Atomap notebook `_ is a good place to start.